When Patrick goes off to work, I'm usually feeding him, so when we're done, I cuddle him up in the bed with me and try to get a little more sleep, but usually at that point (7 a.m.) he's over sleeping, and ready to play. We hang out on the bed and he "talks" to me. It's very sweet. I love kissing him! He tries to kiss me back but his kissses are like round holes of sticky. Still: very, very cute. And today we tried something that a friend had suggested: even though I usually give him a bath in the evening, today I took a bath with him. He loved it! I didn't get very clean but we had fun.
After discussing my issues with breastfeeding with a couple of friends, and getting a lot of good advice and direction, this week I saw another (non-Kaiser) lactation consultant. She really helped us turn it around - I have a new technique for getting him latched that doesn't hurt at all. It's a little time consuming because I don't always get it right the first time but it's only been a couple of days - I think we'll get the hang of it. She assured me that when he gets bigger we won't have to do it that way anymore. I really don't care: no pain is awesome. She also assured me that his size is fine. She thought we were doing a good job, and she kind of fell in love with my baby - he has a way with people! And thanks to her (her name is "Ellen"), we're off that horrible "every two hours" schedule and on to an "every 3 hours" schedule. What a difference 1 hour makes, and I am not being funny.
Otherwise, we've been trying to stick to our daily routine of laundry and making the bed and cleaning the kitchen (I keep telling him I couldn't or wouldn't do any of that stuff were it not for him and his "help"), but this week was a little screwy - two doctor's appointments, visits from family... Next week I'll try to keep things calmer. He doesn't have his 2 month check up until next Wednesday but otherwise I'd like to stay around the house.
It's been raining here for the last couple of days and while I do love the rain and haven't really had to drive at all in it, I wish it would continue. Though: I'm cold!
Here's a photo of the three of us. My little family! Ignore my messy hair please.