Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Had totally decided not to blog this


About two hours ago I had a physical. During the course of the physical, because I am female (and, let's face it, cute), I had a breast exam.

Because I am a female between the ages of 30 and 40 (as the Mayo Clinic website has just informed me), it appears that I may have developed a cyst.

And, as the Mayo Clinic website has told me, cysts are pretty common, pretty normal, and nothing to worry about. I'm not going to wait and see: I'm going to not worry about it.

Which is why, in spite of my original decision not to blog this, I have changed my mind... and here I am. Blogging about it.

Actually, I should say, there I was, blogging about it. Right now I'm getting a Weight Watchers ice cream out of the freezer.


You may wonder why I didn't mention the presidential debate which took place today. I watched it when I got home, listened to it on NPR during the drive to and from the doctor - and I'm sure there will be more intelligent words written about it on other blogs. Right now I am watching Hardball with Chris Mathews, and he's interviewing some guy named Mike Duhaime, and this guy, Mike Duhaime, is reminding me of a hamster in an exercise wheel.


Here's the story I had originally intended to tell today:

A couple of weeks ago, I got my hair cut. During the haircut, Nina, my stylist, mentioned that I should stop washing my hair every day. She explained why, and since I've heard this before, and it made sense, and she gave a hell of a scalp massage during the shampoo process, I decided to consider what she said and see if I could do it. And I found that I can... but I'm having a really hard time, at 5 a.m., remembering if I washed my hair yesterday or if today's the day. It's kind of funny. I guess I have very few operating braincells at 5 a.m. It explains a lot, actually.


Now. Where's my ice cream?

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