Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cool: now I want a cheeseburger.

I read a story in the New York Times today about the women who put out great performances in films in 2011 (it's ironic: all the articles I read about movies and dance performances! - yet I haven't been in a movie theater for a hundred years, and haven't seen a real ballet EVER), and there's a quote at the very end from an actess who played a teenager who comes out as a lesbian to her family. The movie is called "Pariah," and I'd like very much to see it. I'll probably get a chance, when the baby goes to college. Or maybe summercamp.

The article talked about how these actresses prepare for their roles and handle the toll of portraying their characters, and mentioned that the woman who was in "Pariah" was surprised by her own emotional reaction to something in the movie that didn't necessarily jibe with her original plans for the scene or the character.

“I’m not going to die from being too vulnerable,” she said. “I can go, when it’s all done, and get a cheeseburger.”
I love this quote. I love it so much I'm considering using it to rename my blog.

(The actress's name is Adepero Odeye, and there's a totally fluffy and charming story about her, here. And then, there's a less fluffy but still charming story, here.)

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