Monday, September 24, 2012

Mayim Bialik

Aside from both of us having children and nursing on demand, I'm not sure I have much in common with Mayim Bialik. I'm not even sure I spelled her name correctly.

I love her on "Big Bang Theory," but since I only haphazardly watch that show (as I watch everything now, thanks to my boy JP) in reruns, I don't get to really follow her character's story.

I heard about her car accident when it happened but for the most part - I mean, we're not friends. We're not former schoolmates. We're not even the same age. We don't live in the same town, we don't know the same people, I didn't go to UCLA, I'm not a scientist in real life, I'm not Jewish. Her religion and her religious convictions are clearly very, very important to her. I'm not sure I would ever go that far to even say I have religious convictions, at all. There's no connection between us.

You'd think, right?

There was an article in the New York Times style section about Mayim and the dress she wore to the Emmy's yesterday. I didn't watch the Emmy's because I was at the theater. I don't watch TV very much (but believe me: I would if I could!), and though I do like fashion, for me, it's kind of just like looking at any pretty things: knowing the limitations of my body and style and interests, I don't aspire to look like anybody on any red carpet, ever. I just like pretty things. Actresses in pretty gowns are pretty. Period. But the article mentioned the Jewish parenting site where she writes a blog, and I wanted to check that out, so I clicked on it.

20 minutes later... I love her writing. I started reading the random stories she's been writing, starting with the stuff about going to the Emmy's, but then I hit this story, and dude: I cried.

Maybe I can't be like Mayim. Maybe not. I don't need to be like her, do I: I can just be me, but liking her now. Does that make sense? There's more to say there, but I'm not sure how, yet. Anyway, I am so glad there are people like her out there writing and getting a little attention. She seems like a good person, and I like that. I like that a lot.

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