Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Instant Karma!

Over the weekend, I had a conversation about bikes, and some other stuff, with an acquaintance. She's a lovely girl, beloved by many (perhaps "all" is a more descriptive and truthful word), and I don't want what I'm about to say in any way to be construed as negativity directed at her. For one thing, that would piss off at least one of our mutual friends, and I cannot afford to lose half my readers because I wasn't careful about how I wrote something. I wouldn't really mean it, anyway. I like her a lot, myself. And, in spite of her almost annoyingly blinding inner light of a thousand suns (I don't even know what that means), I do hope some of her beloved-and good-ness will rub off on me in time. I don't think that's how it works - but whatever. She's definitely a nicer, less confused person than I am.

So, we were talking about many things: massage, yoga, boys, chanting, reiki, hiking, books, and bikes. For some reason I guess I was being a tad bit contrary... I do think some of those things are interesting (absolutely have no interest in hiking), and she is definitely an entertaining and fun person to talk to; I may have been hitting her with my "You don't really believe in crap, do you?" face just for the sheer pleasure I take in making that face (no, I'm kidding. I made no such face. I wouldn't know the first thing about making that face). I don't know what I'm getting at, here; maybe she didn't care or wouldn't care, or just thinks I'm a poor schlub with nothing to look forward to in life. Quite possibly I am transferring some of my whatever to her. I'm sure my psychology friends (or friends who know something more about human behavior than I do) could figure it out. I just know that when we were talking about what we like to read, and she said "non-fiction," I, in my stupid way of thinking that everyone is interested in the things I am interested in, was a bit surprised to find that what she considers "non-fiction" is like, holistic, new age inner wellness crap.

Wait, did I say "crap"? See, I was trying so hard, there. And that was some run-on sentence, now wasn't it?

No, really, I'm just being negative because what the hell do I know about this stuff? You got it: I know nothing. Somebody says "karma" to me, and I say, fuck you (well, not really. Wait, maybe I do. Did I? Yeah, I think I did, at least once, and fairly recently. Or maybe I just wanted to say "fuck you" to that person, and by way of writing it here, I have, in effect, said it. There. I feel much better now. Was that confusing? I'm sorry). Listen: I'll say it again... I know nothing about the way the world works, and I'm pretty sure I like it that way. Believe what you want to believe; I may or may not catch on some day on my own. Maybe I don't even believe in Beatles.


On a different note: Pandora is playing a New Order song, and I have never, ever, admitted to liking New Order (because I don't, OK?), but this song: "Age of Consent" really, really good. And it kind of even goes with today's post. How's that for, I don't know, a little synchronicity? A bit of a felicitous thing, huh? Totally goes with one of my parenthetical comments above, and if you can figure out which one, well. You're smarter than you look.

Yes, I'll take a side of karma with my bullshit, thank you very much. Make it a double!

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