Monday, December 31, 2007

And a can of corn

Last night, I was having a weird dream, though, the only part I recall involved my standing in my kitchen opening a can of corn.

At the very moment that I opened the can of corn, Franny - Little Miss Stinkerpussy - leapt down from the shelf above the bed onto my face - my nose, to be exact. Claws Out (a Radiohead song, no?). [Note: the song is "Knives Out"]

Of course she planned her leap so that she pierced my nose exactly one hour before the alarm was to go off - waking me at that critical time when I usually awaken anyway, disappointed, needing more sleep, yet unable to fall asleep again. Patrick heard my squeak of pain, and apparently I said to him, "Franny knew I was opening a can" - because everyone knows all cats run to the kitchen when cans - any cans - are opened. Of course he had no clue what I was talking about, but once we were both fully awake, we laughed about it.

I gotta go now. I think there are some tamales in the refrigerator still.

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