Monday, February 18, 2008

El Paso Photos

We went to a rally for Hillary Clinton! Sorry for the crappy zoom. It was really pretty exciting.

We also went to Carlsbad Caverns. It was cold, and yes, I had been wearing those jeans for about three days in a row by the time this photo was taken. The darkness behind me contained a lot of beautiful stuff that you'll just have to go there, pay your $6 (I know! Less than a freakin' movie!) and see for yourself.

This is me and my uncle Johnny. He's 83! Unfortunately, his wife Mary died last year after they'd moved to El Paso, so I didn't get to see her in their huge new house. She and I share a birthday.

If you're interested in seeing more of my photos from El Paso, click on the link of today's post.

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