Monday, February 18, 2008

Home again

Oh, man! So much to write about. Unfortunately I'm not going to do it right now, as I am the victim of a serious head cold. This morning I woke up with both ears totally malfunctioning. I tried to pull off the Valsalva manuever but it's not helping.

Everybody on the plane ride home on Saturday was coughing, sneezing, and dripping something out of their orifices; we were stuck on the tarmac in Phoenix for an extra hour, so all that goop had plenty of time to fester in the air and make it's way to my seat. When I say, "everybody," maybe I'm exaggerating, but it seemed like fucking everybody was sick. So it's no surprise that I too am now working on my own cold. Ha! Karma! (Just kidding!)

I will tell you that today Patrick got me my birthday present (eight days late, but hey, we were out of town!) - he had the audio thing installed in my car so now I can listen to my iPod while I drive! Totally cool.

Now I gotta go lie down or something.

Photos and more about my trip later.

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