Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Melic Sub Rosa, and some other totally unrelated stuff

I'm pretty sure I've talked about my husband's band, Melic Sub Rosa before, but thought it was time to mention that you can listen to him and his mates play, here.

As his wife I of course am contractually obligated to support him, but as a listener, I think this stuff is pretty cool.


In other news, my mom told me yesterday that the widow of the pastor of the church she used to attend who was going to "marry" me and Drew way back in the olden days (and who tried to convince me that what I was feeling was just "cold feet" - had I believed him life as we know it would be totally different) found out about her health problems "on the Internet." This was fine, as my mom hadn't talked to her in a long time and she was calling to pray and wish her well and this was not something my mom disliked at all.

But, I haven't talked to anybody in my family about this blog before, though I'm sure at least one of my siblings has stumbled across it (hi, Dan!). I feel funny about that all of a sudden. Especially since I am prone to swearing and talking about my bad moods.


Something to think about, here.


Another totally unrelated thing - is it wrong that every time I see a depiction of a woman having a baby on television that the only thought that goes through my mind is "oh no, oh no"? I'm not pregnant or anything (and I've moved my deadline back, because my mom asked recently when I was going to do it, and the old deadline of "when I'm 32" has been long gone, so now "when I'm 40, like the movie stars" gives me a little time) - I like the "or anything," which was meant to imply, "or planning on it" - but I do think about it from time to time, especially when I see my friends with their beautiful babies, and then I see some TV birth that scares the living crap out of me.

Yeah. I think I'll stick with cats for awhile longer. I didn't have to push them out, "or anything."


  1. No no it is me your sis who stumbled on it.

  2. It's a good thing that as my sister you have to love me no matter what I say!
