Monday, September 17, 2007

Hero Rat!

I found this website about these awesome giant rats that are trained to sniff out landmines in Africa, thanks to the writer of Days of Thundercheese, another blog I read (I think she posted something related to Stewart Copeland once, which is how I found her; unfortunately, it's been a hundred years since I've been on LiveJournal, and I don't remember if you can search so I can't link to her Stewart story), and I am about five minutes away from sending a donation and "adopting" a rat. All I have to do is get up and go out to the car and get my purse. Being as it's way early in the morning, and I'm (of course) sitting here in my PJs...

Oh, yes. I can't sleep. Did I forget to mention that?

The bedroom is cool and dark and Patrick isn't snoring much, and we have the radio on - KPCC at the lowest volume possible - but there's a bit of a breeze outside, and it's making the bush outside the window, which normally I love, because it diffuses the morning sunlight so prettily, bang against the screen in kind of a creepy way.

I finished re-reading Anne Lamott's awesome book, "Rosie," for maybe the 11th or 12th time. She's a wonderful writer, and this one is my favorite book of hers. But it's not exactly a happy book, and reading it now, I picked up on some references and things that I didn't understand or notice before. But now I'm done and I still can't sleep.

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