Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Let the laundry begin

Now I know why I put off doing my laundry for so long: turns out that I have just two loads to do - darks and lights. That should take no time at all, and perhaps subconsciously I knew that. Which might explain the procrastination.

Or maybe I'm just really, really good at procrastination.


There have been two episodes of disasters in the news lately, and I want to remind you that I am a worrier, though, not at all superstitious. However: it's got me to thinking. The United States has had a bridge collapse and a mine cave-in during the last couple weeks: two things that don't happen everyday around here. What's next? A train derailment? Seriously, I'm having second thoughts about my decision to travel 800 miles (that's it?) on 19th century technology.

There's nothing I can do about it. I've bought my ticket and we pick up Patty tonight at 5. We're going! Now, if I can just get that image of Barbra Streisand from "Funny Girl" riding the train out of my head....

That said, I have decided to lug the laptop with me to Albuquerque. The hotel has free wi-fi, so what the hell, right? I know nothing says "exciting blog postings" than up to the minute reports on the flute convention, but who knows. Maybe something cool will happen.

I know: I'm a dreamer. And I write about my laundry too much. And no, that's not a euphemism.

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