Monday, October 29, 2007

Comdial phone, and a random bunch of other news: now with photos

I'm not sure exactly how old this phone is. Maybe it's not that old; Patrick just told me that his office has older ones. Personally, I can't believe it. This phone is pretty much on it's last legs. Oh, and believe it or not, that's a new cord. I managed to get the new one all tangled up in about a week. Now when I stretch it out to try to untangle it, the cord is about 12 feet long. That's about 8 feet longer than it was when I first got it.


The other photo is half of a pile of my work - I couldn't fit both piles in the photo at once. I suppose it's not that huge, either. But on the day I took this photo, it seemed insurmountable. Luckily, lately I haven't had such a pessimistic view of the items on my desk. This week I finally took the time and went through all the surplus supplies that my co-worker has been hoarding for who knows how long (possibly since at least as long as that phone has been in use by all the people who came before me). I got myself super-organized and cleaned out my drawers, file cabinets, and supplies. It made me feel incredibly - what's the word? - industrious.


In other news, Patrick leaves tomorrow for a trip to Monterey. He's off to Internet Librarian - he goes every year. I've been about three years, and I have to say, as beautiful as Monterey is, I'm over it.


This final photo is a terrific example of things one shouldn't have in one's bedroom. Can you name them all?

Oh, Stewart...

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