Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Famous Last Words:

"I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow."

Guess what? I don't!


Long ass day. I spent the morning in the world's longest staff meeting. Some of the stuff was interesting, however, most of it is not; my function at these meetings is to listen and take notes and then write it all up in a tight little memo for the next meeting. We just started these weekly staff meetings last week, and they're split up into two groups, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Needless to say, the staff isn't that jazzed about these meetings, but oh, well. The morning group has way more issues, and it takes forever. Also, they speak in code sometimes, or talk about things I've never heard of but start mid-story, so it sometimes takes me awhile to catch up; figuring out what the hell they're discussing and then what I'm supposed to be doing with this information uses many brain cells. This morning I kind of didn't care - but I had to be present anyway.

The rest of the day was whiled away doing tasks mentioned in the morning's meeting on top of my usual workload, then we did it all over again in the afternoon. My boss was called into a meeting with the big shots so the PM meeting was shorter than the morning one, which is good thing.

After work I stopped at the LB School for Adults... I'm going to be taking a Notary Public class later this month, and I had to register. Yep, soon I'll be able to... notarize all those documents people need notarized. Whatever: work is paying for it, and it's on a Saturday, so I guess I get an extra day off that week? Now I think I'm gonna go drink my dinner (we may have one more Fat Tire beer hiding in the refrigerator) and then finish up putting away all our crap into our nice newly painted kitchen. I'm not going out to the garage, though, Patrick will have to do it: last night on both my trips to the garage, there was a BAT hanging around by the door; Patrick tried to convince me it was a bird (and don't get me started on Birdbat), but birds don't fly the way this bat did - I went out once with him, and we both watched it do that typical Dracula Vampire Bat flying away thing that they do... and I was back in the house for good.

Hey, so I'm off to do whatever it is I said I was gonna do. I'm creeping up on my 200th post, so if any of you loyal readers have any ideas for something special I might do, I'm all ears.

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