Monday, March 23, 2009

Please, Mr. Postman

Undo send is now an option in Gmail. This might be too late for some messages I've sent already, but I intend to exercise my right to undo send in the future.

Instead, I had the opportunity this weekend to apologize in person to my friend Pauly for an email I sent him a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't a bad email necessarily ("not bad necessarily" in that it didn't involve him at all - I just did a little venting about stuff I was confused about. Writing it made me feel better, but probably made him feel rather icky); I had just done that thing that I've gotten so good at over the years: oversharing. It's not fatal, oversharing, but I think it can get irritating.

The funny thing is, this very morning I have sent Paul yet another email rescinding almost all of the emotions I felt in the original message, so he should be thoroughly annoyed and/or confused by now. My work here is done.


Also? The word is out, and that word is go: "The School For Wives" is a "Go" in the LA Weekly!


In other news... I wonder what it is about the chemical composition of my left pinkie finger that's making the "A" on my keyboard slowly disappear? Right now it looks like this: / Looking more closely at the rest of the keys, the S doesn't look too good, either. Nor N and M. This can't be good.

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