Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why am I so sleepy today?

These things are lifesavers today. The cranberries are good at distracting me from chocolate. For now.

Today's bullet points:

  • For some reason I am barely awake!
  • We had a fire drill!
  • I saw a many-legged insect that I thought was a millipede outside my office in the hallway (yesterday... or was it Monday)!
  • I just found out that it wasn't a millipede because I did a Google image search for "millipede" and millipedes are disgusting looking creatures. The thing I saw in the hallway was about 1.5 inches long and almost cute. The things on the Internet would suck your blood out through your nose and leave you with an empty husk for a body!
  • One of my co-workers insists on talking about all the current gruesome news stories about children, in spite of my VOCIFEROUS and LOUD requests for him to please talk about something else!
  • My grabby co-worker enjoys reading my computer screen while she stands too close and chats with me, while I am thinking (VOCIFEROUSLY and LOUDLY in the privacy of my own head), "please go away now"!
  • "The privacy of my own head" sounds like a joke but seriously, there are people everywhere today!
  • My tummy is upset!
  • I composed the following poem:

    "Dear Co-workers:

    Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut
    Up shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up,
    Shut up shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.


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