Friday, July 10, 2009

Long bike ride + allergies + a shitload of traffic =


But, the bike ride was awesome, if a hair too long (Culver City to Redondo Beach). And speaking of hair being too long, I was supposed to get a hair cut and color tonight but it took me an hour and a half to get home instead of the usual 45 minutes I'd planned for, so I missed out on that treat.

Anyway, we started off in East Culver City (around Duquesne, for you Culver City aficionados), at around 10:40 a.m. and got to Redondo Beach, with a couple of short breaks, at 12:15. I have no idea if that's fast or slow, but I'm guessing, slow. There was a lot of wind in our faces, and Patty rides too fast for me so I didn't get to practice drafting. Actually I think we were going about the same speed, but somehow she always manages to be ahead of me. It's fine, because on the ride home I needed her there ahead of me, a reminder that I needed to keep moving. My headache started about where the smokestacks are (what is that? the waste water treatment plant?), and it's my own dumb fault for not remembering to eat breakfast (though I did remember to take two Advil. Lot of good that did me).

I was excited about this ride. I had cycling dreams last night, and woke up at 3 a.m. panicking because I hadn't set the combination to my groovy new lock yet and I was afraid Patrick had thrown away the instructions during a fit of cleaning he had the other day. Usually I can throw off late night panicking and go back to sleep, but this time I actually got out of bed, found the instructions and the lock, and sat at the dining table and set the combo (wouldn't you like to know?).

You might remember that I tried this cycling thing with Patty before (in 2007! Wow! time flies! also, again in 2008). Back then I had a crap bike and needed more breaks. She's still in front of me, but her natural athleticism (and indomitable spirit!) is inspiring. I just might catch up.

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