Monday, May 19, 2008

Subject: RE:

From: Andrea
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 10:53 AM
To: Irene
Subject: RE:
You said it woman, now do it.

From: Irene
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 10:29 AM
To: Andrea
Subject: RE:

Well. The conversation I was having may or may not have been all that appropriate... and my friend normally seems entertained by my judgmental-ness (judgementality?) and joins in, so yeah, the irritation expressed may have been directed at some other aspect of my sparkling personality or some other stupid thing I had said. This friend knows me really, really well (too well, I guess, because there aren't many people with whom I've been so honest even after I find out they think I'm stupid. Mostly I let them think I'm flawed yet interesting. What, not believable?) - my usual level of idiocy is recognized for its comic merits only.

I know I do it and I know I've done it forever and I know what it comes from - human nature, yeah, and a way to cover insecurities, which, since we're having this conversation (much to your surprise and annoyance, I'm sure) is also something I need to get over or work on, because I seem to be carrying a heavier load of that BS right now than I ever have. I don't remember when I've ever felt exactly confident but I also don't remember being such a greasy ball of "I'm not good enough." I either need to make up my mind that it's not true or just let it go and stop worrying about it and accept that I am who I am with my own special set of limitations. This could take forever but you gotta start somewhere.

Yeah. I'm having that moment right now, and it's not fun for anybody.

From: Andrea
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 10:02 AM
To: Irene
Subject: RE:

Everyone is a little judgmental to a certain extent. I think that's human nature. I'm thinking that you struck a chord with the person who told you that, either emotionally or otherwise with something you said. [REDACTED]

From: Irene
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 9:36 AM
To: Andrea

I am learning to not diss people for [REDACTED]. Somebody I care about told me this weekend how judgmental I am and how, oh, shall we say, irritating that is, so I am making an effort to relax my ridiculous standards a little); however [REDACTED] is not exactly a winning position to be in.

Ask a simple question, get a complicated answer!

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