Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting a hit

I just overheard my co-worker telling Old Man Wino Laugh about his son's baseball game from over the weekend. My co-worker is about six months older than me, his son is about 8, and Old Man Wino Laugh is probably 45 or 46. Maybe younger; it's hard to tell.

My co-worker was talking about the details of the game itself, and I was filing and typing and answering emails, and in general, not listening. But then I noticed that Old Man Wino Laugh had pulled up a chair, helped himself to some chips, and I thought, dude, it's not even 9 a.m. Chips? So that caught my attention.

My co-worker told Old Man Wino Laugh about how his kid did in the game, and how he took him to Baskin Robbins afterwards to celebrate. My co-worker said that his son was very excited about his performance in the game (he caught a fly ball). His son said, "Daddy, that was my best game ever!" My co-worker then said this to his son:

"Yeah, that was cool, but it would've been even better if you'd gotten a hit!"

Look: I'm not a parent. But doesn't that seem jacked up to you, too? My heart sank when I heard him say it.

If I could ignore these people, I would.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I try not to go a day without my 9 a.m. chips. And, yeah, co-worker dude should have focused on his son's accomplishments in the game, not the lack thereof. Jacked? Yup.
