Monday, January 15, 2007

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to do

Wait, did I misquote that...?

We've done absolutely nothing today. This is the most glorious day in my recent memory:
  • I took a shower.
  • I ate lunch.
  • I ate several (you know, several: more than ten) Oreos.
  • I played with the kitten.
  • I read a little from my book (The Ghost Map).
  • I read Television Without Pity's recaps of all of last season's Top Chef episodes.
  • I played a game of online Sudoku at
  • I ate.
  • I watched the guys making our new redwood fence in the backyard finish (they did a great job, and yes, I did feel slightly guilty for doing nothing while they did something but in the end, I had another Oreo and forgot about it).
  • I Googled "harold dieterle," "stephen aspirino" and "tiffani faison."

Oh, and I appear to be coughing up little tiny bits of blood. I'm not going to think about that anymore, though.

I slashed my ankle shaving in the shower and now have a hand towel strapped to my leg with rubber bands because we ran out of band aids. Fucking cheap-ass single blade razors. What was I thinking? Oh, and it's not like I've never cut myself in that same exact spot before, either, so I'm sure the scar will be extra thick and yummy.

I also listened to Dr. King's speech on NPR - they've been playing a recording from an appearance of his at a temple in Hollywood back in 1965, and I've been thinking about that quite a bit, but I think I'll leave the details out of this silly blog entry.

It's nice to have this day off to chill and re-charge and just stay home from everything; I haven't forgotten why I'm here, though.


  1. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

  2. The irony: it doesn't come with an owner's manual.
