Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flute Choir!

Tonight in flute choir, we busted out even more pieces. This is going to be a very long concert, but I'm really excited about it. I think I mentioned we're doing all our favorites from the past... We're still figuring out what we're going to play, so in rehearsal, we're not playing everything full-on yet.

For instance, we didn't do Blue Train at all, and that's my favorite. And we just figured out who was playing what on the William Tell (I'm on piccolo, of course). And passed out some more music. I want to get to work on these things.

One thing about my cheap-ass piccolo: it's very loud. I don't play it very much anymore, so it's also not very in tune. Or I should say, I'm not very in tune. It's got some weird notes. The William Tell is very dramatic with lots of high notes: fun for me, but I get a little self-conscious. I'm so loud. It sounds good, but wow, it's gotta be perfect. And I want it to go FAST. OK, so this is a boring post. But: I was really excited in flute choir today.

Work was kinda rough. I didn't feel very good: stomach problems. Let's just leave it at that? And then being off yesterday, I was behind on everything. I had about 900 emails. My boss asked me to lunch, so we went to Chili's. It was okay: I've only been there once or twice, a long time ago. Anyway, while we ate (I had chicken fajitas. Good, but I felt awful after, and I didn't even eat it all), she told me about some opportunities that might be coming my way. That made me feel good. She notices that I work hard. She thinks I could do more than just be a secretary, and she wants me to do more stuff.

After that I came home for a minute, and tried to calm my stomach down, then hopped on the freeway to class. I wasn't late, for a change. Listened to Radiohead all the way up there; I love those guys.

Patrick went to Cozy's in Van Nuys, and saw his friend Art's band, "The Acid Blues." Now he's home, eating a sandwich, and I am exactly in the same spot I've been in for 2 hours.

Tomorrow. I just want to sleep in. I woke up at 4 this morning: totally wide awake. It was actually nice, but now I'm tired.

Going to bed!

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